The Department of Television, Film and Photography embarked on a journey on January 23, 2012, as the Department of Television and Film Studies to create and disseminate knowledge about the cultural industries such as cinema and television and the role of popular culture in shaping people’s mind. The Department began its operation on the ground floor of the Social Sciences’ Building under the leadership of the Founding Chair Dr A J M Shafiul Alam Bhuiyan, a Canadian Commonwealth Scholar and a Professor of Media Studies. It was launched at a time when a burgeoning television industry was desperately looking for a trained workforce to serve the industry and the moribund film industry was searching for skilled and creative filmmakers to inject energies for its revitalization. This Department filled the void created by the lack of academic training in television journalism, television production, filmmaking, and film criticism. It began with a two-year Master’s program in Television and Film Studies and introduced a four-year undergraduate program in 2013. This Department has collaborations with many top-ranked Asian and North American universities. It has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Virginia State University in the US, Tsinghua University in China, and the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute in India for exchanging students and faculty members. It has a state of the art professional television studio and an animation laboratory to offer hands-on training to students in television journalism as well as production, filmmaking, and animation. It houses a seminar library with collections of essential books on film, television, and digital media. It also runs an online television channel called DUTV. It has been a vibrant Department with students participating in many curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities. The Film Club, Photography Club, and Debate Club organize various programs, including film festivals, photography competitions, and music festivals. Department’s Football and Cricket teams regularly participate in interdepartmental competitions. The Department actively pursues opportunities for collaborations with the film, television, and digital media industries. Its faculty is made up of full-time and part-time teachers. The best and experienced minds of the industries regularly offer courses in the Department as part-time teachers to make students knowledgeable about the latest industry standards and practices. The Chairperson of the Department sits on the Jury Board of the National Film Award as a member and regularly contributes to the policymaking bodies of the Ministry of Information. The graduates of the Department have been proudly serving in the national television channels as anchors, reporters, and producers. Many have ventured into filmmaking as independent filmmakers. A significant number of current students and alumni won accolades at film festivals across the world for their outstanding short films. The Department stands committed to work on the development of a public taste and cultural politics conducive to nourishing a secular democratic Bangladesh.